This endpoint triggers notifications. Creating content too quickly using this endpoint may result in secondary rate limiting. See "Secondary rate limits" and "Dealing with secondary rate limits" for details.

Pull request reviews created in the PENDING state do not include the submitted_at property in the response.

Note: To comment on a specific line in a file, you need to first determine the position of that line in the diff. The GitHub REST API v3 offers the application/vnd.github.v3.diff media type. To see a pull request diff, add this media type to the Accept header of a call to the single pull request endpoint.

The position value equals the number of lines down from the first "@@" hunk header in the file you want to add a comment. The line just below the "@@" line is position 1, the next line is position 2, and so on. The position in the diff continues to increase through lines of whitespace and additional hunks until the beginning of a new file.

Scopes requested: user, public_repo, repo, notifications, gist
Authorization never stores your requests or responses