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httpbin API Endpoints
HTTP Methods
Status codes
Request inspection
Return the incoming request's HTTP headers.
Returns the requester's IP Address.
Return the incoming requests's User-Agent header.
Response inspection
Response formats
Dynamic data
The request's DELETE parameters.
The request's query parameters.
The request's PATCH parameters.
The request's POST parameters.
The request's PUT parameters.
Prompts the user for authorization using HTTP Basic Auth.
Prompts the user for authorization using bearer authentication.
Prompts the user for authorization using Digest Auth.
Prompts the user for authorization using Digest Auth + Algorithm.
Prompts the user for authorization using Digest Auth + Algorithm.
Prompts the user for authorization using HTTP Basic Auth.
Return status code or random status code if more than one are given
Return status code or random status code if more than one are given
Return status code or random status code if more than one are given
Return status code or random status code if more than one are given
Return status code or random status code if more than one are given
Return status code or random status code if more than one are given
Return the incoming request's HTTP headers.
Returns the requester's IP Address.
Return the incoming requests's User-Agent header.
Returns a 304 if an If-Modified-Since header or If-None-Match is present. Returns the same as a GET otherwise.
Sets a Cache-Control header for n seconds.
Assumes the resource has the given etag and responds to If-None-Match and If-Match headers appropriately.
Returns a set of response headers from the query string.
Returns a set of response headers from the query string.
Returns Brotli-encoded data.
Returns Deflate-encoded data.
Returns page denied by robots.txt rules.
Returns a UTF-8 encoded body.
Returns GZip-encoded data.
Returns a simple HTML document.
Returns a simple JSON document.
Returns some robots.txt rules.
Returns a simple XML document.
Decodes base64url-encoded string.
Returns n random bytes generated with given seed
Returns a delayed response (max of 10 seconds).
Returns a delayed response (max of 10 seconds).
Returns a delayed response (max of 10 seconds).
Returns a delayed response (max of 10 seconds).
Returns a delayed response (max of 10 seconds).
Returns a delayed response (max of 10 seconds).
Drips data over a duration after an optional initial delay.
Generate a page containing n links to other pages which do the same.
Streams n random bytes generated with given seed, at given chunk size per packet.
Streams n random bytes generated with given seed, at given chunk size per packet.
Stream n JSON responses
Return a UUID4.
Returns cookie data.
Deletes cookie(s) as provided by the query string and redirects to cookie list.
Sets cookie(s) as provided by the query string and redirects to cookie list.
Sets a cookie and redirects to cookie list.
Returns a simple image of the type suggest by the Accept header.
Returns a simple JPEG image.
Returns a simple PNG image.
Returns a simple SVG image.
Returns a simple WEBP image.
Absolutely 302 Redirects n times.
302/3XX Redirects to the given URL.
302/3XX Redirects to the given URL.
302/3XX Redirects to the given URL.
302/3XX Redirects to the given URL.
302/3XX Redirects to the given URL.
302/3XX Redirects to the given URL.
302 Redirects n times.
Relatively 302 Redirects n times.
Returns anything passed in request data.
Returns anything passed in request data.
Returns anything passed in request data.
Returns anything passed in request data.
Returns anything passed in request data.
Returns anything passed in request data.
Returns anything passed in request data.
Returns anything passed in request data.
Returns anything passed in request data.
Returns anything passed in request data.
Returns anything passed in request data.
Returns anything passed in request data.
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Return the incoming requests's User-Agent header.